Sunday, May 28, 2006

Vonage IPO still making news, a sound business does matter...

Well, since our last posting, it's been affirmed that the Internet bubble did burst a few years ago and that a sound, long-term business plan does matter.

A few articles that I read during the past few days echo my earlier points and build some credible resources supporting the premise (smile):

- Reuters - Vonage debut shows IPOs need profitable outlook
- TheBusinessOnline - Vonage and MasterCard fall foul of slack IPO market

Despite this, I missed the biggest story of all... even if a business requires a sound plan and management, those without one can still net a market cap of some $2.5B :-)

In closing, I promise that my next entry will be about something other than Vonage:-)

Your thoughts?



At 11:14 AM, Blogger TelephonyBuyersGuide said...

I'm seeing a lot of hits but can't see domains. Even if I could, they could be searching blogs from home or elsewhere.

Gotta tell you, the irony that I post information and then shazam, a day or two later, another publication is taking the same spin... well, it's just a little more than ironic:-)

Thanks for the follow up!


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